Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Role Of CPT Exam in Studying Chartered Accountant Course

Being a chartered accountant is one of the best jobs or career paths that a person can opt for. It is for this reason that thousands of men and women in India prepare for the CPT exam every year. The CPT exam is basically an entry level test that a person needs to appear for getting admitted with chartered accountant course. CPT is also known as Common Proficiency Test and a student can easily register for this test by filling up CPT registration form as well as submitting the fees after completing the 10th standard. Most students of commerce yearn to be a professional chartered accountant at some point of time in their lives and therefore CA is a rather tough course to get in.

The CPT exam evaluates a student’s ability and aptitude to study the course of chartered accountant. While the registration for this test starts after a student has passed class 10, one can still appear for the exam after the 12th standard. Once registered, it is valid for three years. The syllabus of CPT includes four sections within a single paper. The total marks allotted to the paper are 200. The Section A has 60 marks and deals with Fundamentals of Accounting. The Section B has 40 marks and explores Mercantile Law. Section C is associated with General Economics and carries 50 marks. Section D is all about Quantitative Aptitude and has 50 marks.

To prepare for the CPT exam in an effective way, the best ways to proceed would be taking the help of online tutorials and doing as much self study as possible. An online tutorial can present with excellent CPT accounts notes that can be helpful in understanding the subject matter and performing well in the test. They can also offer test papers to evaluate personal CPT skills as well.